1. Two Truths and a Lie
Each player takes turns sharing three statements about themselves — two truths and one lie. The other players must guess which statement is the lie. This game offers a fun way for everyone to learn interesting and unexpected things about each other.
2. Would You Rather
Players are posed with a series of scenarios where they must choose between two options. The questions can range from silly to thought-provoking. An example question could be, “Would you rather have the ability to read minds or the power of invisibility?”
3. Desert Island Picks
Each player is asked to name three things they would take with them if they were stranded on a deserted island. Players explain their choices, which can lead to amusing and engaging discussions about each other’s personalities and priorities.
4. The Name Game
One person says a celebrity’s name, and the next person has to say another celebrity’s name that begins with the first letter of the previous celebrity’s last name. This continues around the group. If a player takes too long or repeats a name, they’re out. The game continues until one player remains.
5. Silent Line-Up
The group must organise themselves in a line based on a certain criteria (like height, birthday, or first name) without talking. This physical activity builds teamwork and non-verbal communication skills.
6. Find the Common Thread
Divide the group into smaller teams. Each team has a few minutes to discover an uncommon commonality they all share that is not obvious, such as all having walked in a marathon or all being able to play a musical instrument. This helps uncover shared experiences.
7. Hot Seat
One person sits in the “hot seat” and the rest of the group can ask them any question (within reason and appropriate content). The person in the hot seat must answer truthfully. After a set amount of time, the next person takes their turn.
8. Emoji Decoder
Participants send a series of emojis in a group chat and others have to decipher the sentence or phrase that the emojis are conveying. This game works on interpreting visual cues and can be quite challenging and funny.
9. Pictionary
Players draw a picture of a word or phrase on a large pad or a digital drawing app while their team tries to guess what it is within a certain time limit. This game fosters creativity and teamwork.
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