Video Walk Through
It has been 7 months in the making and this is what the young people have achieved. I thought it important to get video evidence of where we are right now. In a years time it will be good to look back and see what we have achieved.
Work Experience – Final Results
It was exciting to have a work experience student come and spend the week with me. Final day was slow as both of us felt ill! But here are the results for the week. The bench was finished and it is very comfortable. The design of the rose garden was agreed and sleeper timbers used […]
Work Experience Day 3
The bench is built…. We are still measuring eggs. I didn’t know if I have explained yet but the size of the eggs increase as the chicken nears its full weight. The picture at the top is a picture of the rose garden looking from the rear.
Work Experience Day 2
Today I had year 7s and a student on work experience. We had 2 core aims and that was to build a new storage unit to further tidy the shed and to start on the bench that is being built by the work experience student. Here is today’s results: