In a delightful turn of events, Fowey Farm has become the proud new home for a flock of cheerful chickens. The school grounds, typically buzzing with the sounds of laughter, is now also alive with the clucking and bustling of these feathered friends. A New Chapter Begins With the arrival of the chickens, the school […]
How to Look After Chickens
Looking after chickens can be a delightful and rewarding experience. Here are some essential tips to ensure your chickens are healthy, happy, and productive. Housing Coop Construction Nesting Boxes Feeding Diet Water Health and Hygiene Cleaning Monitoring Interaction and Care Handling Routine By providing proper shelter, a balanced diet, and regular care, you will create […]
Nearly there with the chicken area
Speckledy Hen
A speckledy chicken, also known as a Speckledy or Speckledy Hen, is a specific breed recognised for its striking appearance. This breed typically has a base plumage of rich, dark brown or black, which serves as a canvas for the distinctive speckling or flecking of lighter colors such as white, cream, or gold. These speckles […]
Rhode Rock Pullet
These very attractive Chickens are a crossbreed of the Rhode Island Red Chicken and the Plymouth Rock Chicken. They have black plumage with gold markings on the neck and chest. The iridescent black feathers have a sun catching green sheen. They are very placid chickens and will happily live outside all year round. Rhode Rocks […]