Monday Mornings Activity
Because every garden needs a Gnome!
Construction Club
As part of the farm build we started a Wednesday after-school club. This is exciting as we are able to include young people who are outside our usual engagement criteria. We had 14 young people turn up and we split them into two teams to build two elements. The first is an outdoor kitchen and […]
Fruit Tree Guild
Often fruit trees are planed in orchards with grass underneath. Grass will compete with the trees for nutrients and will need additional nurturing requirements and produce less fruit. A fruit tree guild is where you underplant the tree with plants that nurture and benefit the tree and will have a beneficial relationship. What does this […]
Tegenaria domestica
The spider species Tegenaria domestica, commonly known as the barn funnel weaver in North America and the domestic house spider in Europe, is a member of the funnel-web family Agelenidae. T. domestica is not a particularly aggressive species and will often retreat when confronted. As long as its web is undisturbed, the spider will usually […]